FEAR, or False Evidence Appearing Real

Posted 5/21/17

Marianne Williamson said in her book ‘A Return to Love’, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our …

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FEAR, or False Evidence Appearing Real


Marianne Williamson said in her book ‘A Return to Love’, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’

We all have goals and aspirations but we also have limiting self beliefs that many times can hold us back from achieving those goals or even attempting to achieve; Thoughts that keep us from playing big and going with gusto for the dreams we’ve likely been dreaming since childhood.

Perhaps it was the first time we took a chance, went out on a limb, and fell on our face only to be ridiculed by our peers or chastised for our ‘failure’ by our parents or teachers that instilled this belief in us that we aren’t good enough, or worthy of the things that we aspire to do, be, or have. It is, a lot of the times, the perceived criticisms of our childhood that later becomes our own self dialogue that hinders us from the greatness for which we are meant.

“Don’t eat that you’re too big.”, “You can’t sing.”, “You’re not smart enough to apply for that job.” and the like are thoughts that don’t serve you. These thoughts keep you down and out; they keep you playing small, and they keep you stuck.

These thoughts are based from a place of fear; fear of failure, fear of what others will say about you if you DO achieve the lofty heights you believe you were meant to achieve, or fear of the unknown which keeps you in your comfort zone. The good news is: these fear based thoughts are not true! FEAR, or False Evidence Appearing Real is the opposite of your true nature and therefore any thought based in FEAR needs to be eradicated ASAP and replaced with a thought that’s more in line with your dreams and purpose; thoughts that bring inspiration, joy, and happiness.

Let’s make it our goal this week to quiet the fear voice inside our heads and turn up the voice of encouragement, self belief, and affirmation.


