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Hendry County is making strides in code enforcement.
Upthegrove Elementary’s last day of Celebrate Literacy Week was pajama day!
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State Route 80 from Shady Oaks Lane to S. Captain Hendry Drive: (Special Permit project) Crews will be closing the outside westbound lane of SR …
Each year in February, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) and our...
The following column is the Road Watch report for Hendry County for the week beginning Sunday, Feb. 2.
Los Angeles emergency room nurse Sandra Younan spent the last year juggling long hours as she watched many patients struggle with the coronavirus and some die. Then there were the patients who …
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Thanks to a $1.5 million federal grant, LaBelle Middle School will be a more comfortable hurricane shelter in the future.
LABELLE -- FEMA will hold a farm recovery event on Dec. 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UF/IFAS Hendry Co. Extension Building, 1085 Pratt …
Florida is a haven for boaters and is recognized as “The Boating Capital of the World.”