Amp up your mindfulness and gratitude muscles

Posted 12/31/17

Another new year is quickly approaching and as we draw to the end of 2017 most of us already have our attention focused on our New Year’s Resolutions and intentions for self-improvement. Whether …

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Amp up your mindfulness and gratitude muscles


Another new year is quickly approaching and as we draw to the end of 2017 most of us already have our attention focused on our New Year’s Resolutions and intentions for self-improvement. Whether it’s losing weight, starting a new career path, or putting away more money in savings, we all have our eyes on some sort of prize for 2018. In fact, it seems that many people often give up on the last week of the year as if to write it off altogether.

I would like to encourage that we take this last week of the holidays between Christmas and New Years Eve to really amp up our mindfulness and gratitude muscles.

Here’s what I’m doing; I’m pulling out my calendar and looking back on all of 2017. I’m going to make a list of all the things that I resolved to do this time last year and checking off all the things that came to fruition. Furthermore, I’m listing all of the things that I’m grateful for that I’ve accomplished.

Maybe you finished a project, remodeled your home, started a new business, or adopted a healthier diet; Those things are worthy of honoring and remembering. Let’s take this week to look back on our year and give ourselves a pat on the back for all of our hard work in achieving our goals. Let this exercise of congratulating yourself on all that you’ve done and also giving sincere thanks for the great things that were bestowed upon you ,beyond your control, catapult you into the new year with a sense of momentum that encourages continued growth that’s fueled by gratitude. Instead of focusing on all the things that we want to ‘be better at’ let’s look at all the good that’s happened this year and ask ourselves, “What can I do in this new year that will get me even closer to living my best life?”

When we ask ourselves empowering questions, backed with the evidence of a fruitful and blessed year, we are able to step into the new year with a foundation of strength; vested with an arsenal of tools to propel us forward with focus on the things that are going right. When approaching the new phase of our life in this way we have a really good chance of accomplishing even more of the things that we seek to find on our ongoing quest of happiness hunting.

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