Wildlife & Environment
88 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Science tells us invasive species — like the spotted tilapia — are always on the move... more
Governor Ron DeSantis’s budget includes $805 million for Everglades restoration, including $727 million for the state’s shar... more
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, (Corps) is preparing an integrated... more
In a groundbreaking study, University of Florida scientists statistically analyzed large amounts of data... more
When searching for a great Valentine’s Day gift, you might consider the enchanting orchid. more
With warmer temperatures and clearer skies, February nights are the right time... more
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Derelict Vessel Program is pleased to announce the introduction of our new Derelict Vessel Block Grant Program. more
The District and our local, state, federal and tribal partners work year-round to advance... more
The National Audubon Society invites photographers and videographers to enter the 2025 Audubon Photography Awards more
Florida’s ecosystems are highly dependent on recurrent fires, and many landowners rely on prescribed fire... more
Spotted a tiny, colorful critter hopping on a leaf and wondered what it was up to? Meet the hoppers... more
The TurfMutt Foundation has advice for communities – invest in green space... more
University of Florida scientists have secured a $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to address... more
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today announced that it will waive day use fees... more
The FWC has updated the Panther Pulse web page with mortality information through Jan. 10. more
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) proudly highlights the significant milestones achieved in 2024... more
On Dec. 17, the Florida Cabinet approved permanent conservation on more than 85,000 acres across 19... more
As development pushes inward from Florida’s crowded urban coastal communities, Florida’s... more
On Monday, Dec. 16, the South Florida Water Management District joined the Florida Department... more
Sending more clean water south remains a top priority for the South Florida Water Management District (District). more
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