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I know what it’s like to experience a huge transformation in your life and want to shout it to the world! You feel so inspired to share a message with the people that you know and care about, but …
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I know what it’s like to experience a huge transformation in your life and want to shout it to the world! You feel so inspired to share a message with the people that you know and care about, but you don’t know how to start or what to do or say!
The desire to make a difference in the world and to serve in a big way is palpable but the task of figuring out how to start can seem very daunting!
I remember being in that exact headspace just over one year ago, when I decided to take a leap of faith and enroll in the Spirit Junkie Masterclass with my teacher Gabrielle Bernstein in New York City.
I remember her teaching from the stage the very first night of the weekend long training; “When we own our power it inspires others to do the same.” In that moment I realized that, though my story was at times messy and uncomfortable to talk about, it was powerful. I learned how to own the power of my story and how to share it!
That was a huge revelation for me. I had been putting so much pressure on myself by trying to figure out how to do deep and meaningful work in the world, and I hadn’t even thought of just “sharing my story”.
The truth is: sharing our transformational stories is one of the most POWERFUL ways to spread the message of Love to the world.
In January of 2017 I was just a few months sober and was dedicated to ‘showing up for myself’ because I’d heard that terminology thrown around, and even though I didn’t know exactly what it meant or exactly what I was showing up to or how I should dress for the occasion, I was committed to not waking up hungover anymore or being sick all night.
I was tired of everything being hard, nothing being easy, and everyone taking me as a drunken joke. Above all I was scared to death that the emotional baggage that I’d been procrastinating on unpacking since my Grandmother’s death, Mother’s suicide, other Grandmother’s death, Father’s death, and Grandfather’s death (yeah I really wanted to emphasize how many deaths I was dealing with) would take me to places that I didn’t know how to cope with; hence - all the drinking I’d been doing for the past five years.
If you knew me before January 2017 you remember this version of me. You remember when all the people died and I got drunk… for five years.
Of course, not ALL of that five years were spent drunk; there were snippets of lucidity peppered here and there between embarrassment, slurred words, and extreme hangovers. In those moments of brief sobriety I was catching a glimpse of what was to come, by some inspired hope for what may be in my distant future, if only I could figure out what it meant to get sober long enough to ‘show up for myself’.
In my moments of clarity I would read some good self help books that had been recommended by Oprah on Super Soul Sunday. I had figured out that there had to be a better way of living… and even though it scared the bejeezus out of me I was ready to figure out how to look for that way.
I had heard of Gabrielle Bernstein when I was working for a self help blog in Los Angeles five years earlier and I’d recently been reminded of her when I saw her on Super Soul Sunday. I had read one of her books entitled “May Cause Miracles” and I thought to myself…’if she can go from being a drug addict, to make something of her life and, in turn help others to make something of their lives… then I can too.’
So, in the newness of sobriety and with a hope that surpassed my fear, I set the intention that I was going to be her student and learn everything that she did… so that I could follow suit.
When I arrived, in June of 2017, to the SVA theater in New York City, the energy was palpable. I couldn’t believe I had made the investment of time, resources, or energy into myself to be there. I was shaking with nerves and I felt like I may throw up. Somewhere inside my internal GPS I heard a voice that said “You’ve got this. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.” I knew that my life was about to change.
What I didn’t realize is how QUICKLY my life was going to change. I returned from NYC, after that weekend, elated; my energy was swirling around like a tornado and I had so many inspired ideas I didn’t know what to do, but I trusted and took action.
I put together my website, created a digital course, and launched it as a group coaching program.
BOOM! I had stepped into my purpose of sharing my light and my story with others and I would never, ever go back to being a victim of my circumstances again.
I have since grown my business as a life coach, spiritual teacher, motivational speaker, yoga instructor, and writer!
I have people stopping me on the street or in Walmart almost every time I go shopping to tell me how inspired a “Hunting Happiness” article has been to them and it validates the work that I do… but hear this: The sharing of my story is not to brag. The sharing of my story is not for self promotion. The sharing of my story is to inspire you to tell yours. Remember when we own our power it gives others to do the same.
By sharing my story I have helped countless others along their own path. It is my prayer that by reading my story this week, you will have the courage and confidence to start owning the power of your own beautifully flawed, broken and put back together story. The world needs you to step up to your purpose as a Happiness Helper!
Share your light, my friends