VBS at New Testament Baptist
Come Meet the King of Kings Vacation Bible School New Testament Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Testamento), 300 S. Davis St. Laelle.
Sunday June 5th : …
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VBS at New Testament Baptist
Come Meet the King of Kings Vacation Bible School New Testament Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Testamento), 300 S. Davis St. Laelle.
Sunday June 5th : 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Monday June 6th - Wednesday June 8th : 7:00pm – 8:30pm
School age children 5 and up. Presented by Evangelist Vester Arnold + Sheryl Arnold. Bible lessons, chalk art, clowns, refreshments, special prizes. Transportation upon request. For more info call: Pastor Ben Millican: 863-673-0782 pr Asst. Pastor Jose Serrano: 863-612-5426.
FBC morning services
The First Baptist Church of LaBelle at 330 North Main Street now has a Spanish Mission Church service every Sunday from 1:30 -3:30 p.m.
Please join us at Agape Mision Bautista. Pastor Carlos Martinez. FBC LaBelle is located at 330 North Main Street.
FBC LaBelle now offers two morning services; one at 8:30 a.m. and one at 11:00 a.m. Nursery is provided. Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. Pastors Frank Deerey, Jr. and Preston Long, Jr., and Tara Sherrod Minister of Music.
Worship and bible study
Come join the Oak Grove Holiness Church in Muse Sunday at 11 a.m. and Sunday night at 6 p.m. Wednesday night worship and bible study with Jimmy Dana. All welcome to participate in the service. We are located at Summerall Road and Loblolly.
Summer camp at Carlson
Carlson Kids Camp (formerly VBS) will be held from June 27 through July 1. It’s for kids from age 3 to those who have completed 4th grade. We will start at 8:45 am and go until 12:45 pm. We will have worship and music, Bible Study, art, games, lunch and much more. COME JOIN THE FUN!
Sign up to volunteer or register your child on our website at www.CarlsonUMC.org. There is no charge for Kids Camp. Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church, 310 Campbell Street, LaBelle 863-675-0656.
Submerge your child at FBC
Submerged Vacation Bible School from June 20-24 9 a.m. to 12 noon at First Baptist Church of LaBelle.
This summer, take your kids on an adventure like no other, deep within the mysterious sea. As kids submerge themselves in God’s Word, they will discover that Jesus didn’t just see what’s on the outside of people. He looked deep down on the inside. So grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive in to find truth below the surface!
Theme: Psalm 139:23-24 Motto: Jesus sees. Jesus knows. Jesus saves.
Vacation Bible School at FBC LaBelle offers music, crafts, recreation, bible study and snack. It is free and open to the public for children ages five years old thru the fifth grade. You can register online at www.fbclabelle.org, or call us at 863-675-2171 or stop by to fill out a registration form. FBC LaBelle is located at 330 North Main Street.
Summer movies
The 35th Summer Movie Fest will begin June 7, With animated movie “The Good Dinosaur”
There are showings at 1 and 3 p.m. The movies are completely, free thanks to our business sponsors. We have a snack area for those that would like to buy candy or pop corn. The money earned goes to Florida Children’s Ranch.
The 35th Summer Movie Fest is located at 135 Fraser Avenue, in the LaBelle Assembly of God chapel, everyone is welcomed. Groups of 25 or over please call so we can reserve you a place. Contact 675-0900 or e-mail labelleone@hotmail.com.
Get ready for Relay for Life 2017
Join Relay for Life for an informational rally for all team captains and prospective team captains for the 2017 event. This will be held June 13, at First Baptist Church of LaBelle Social Hall, 6-7 p.m.
Finger foods and desserts will be provided by Two Peas Cafe. Please RSVP to Vicki Reynods, 2017 Event Chair at 863-234-2405.
Museum potluck, installation
LaBelle Heritage Museum’s Annual Potluck/Covered Dish Dinner and Installation of Officers will be at the museum on Thursday, June 2, with past LHM president Tom Sargent as the installing officer.
The menu includes Cuban-style roast pork, fried chicken (both regular & spicy) and tamales furnished by the museum and whatever you -- our members, supporters & guests -- bring in the way of appetizers, salads, covered dishes & casseroles ALONG with some of the awesome desserts for which many of you are so famous!
The current plan is to set up outside; however, we have already decided that Thursday’s weather forecast for LaBelle will determine that day whether tables and chairs are set up in the rear patio area or inside the main building itself.
The Aiken-Rider House and Judge Rider’s Law Office will both be open to allow you to see how they look now and to picture in your mind’s eye what we have planned for both buildings. If you bring guests, please increase your food offering.
Looking forward to seeing you this coming Thursday for dinner to start at 6 o’clock (this means you should show up by 5:45 p.m.) and installation to start as early as 6:30 but no later than 6:45 p.m.
Yard sale for the fur babies
Caloosa Humane Society is having a yard sale June 4th, 8am until 1pm, all proceeds directly benefit the homeless dogs and cats at our shelter! A big thank you to the generous donors of saleable items that make our monthly event successful.
Come see the many new things available (as well as our usual collection of useful and make-you-feel-good stuff) including: Furniture, household items, decorations, clothing and purses, linens, blankets & quilts, crafts, and all kinds of other new arrivals!
One-time Blow-out sale on many new books. Come see us at 390 North Bridge Street (behind and in LaBelle Auction Company Building, corner of North Bridge St. and Park Ave.) More info call 675-0997
SCF planning meeting
Planning for the 2017 SCF will begin Monday, June 6, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. The Festival committee is always looking for volunteers and public input, hope to see you there!
Free HIV testing
June 8, the eight day of Caribbean-American Heritage Month in the United States, has been designated as National Caribbean-American Health/AIDS Awareness Day. NCAHAAD is designed to encourage Caribbean-American and Caribbean-born individuals to get educated, get tested, get treated and get involved.
Because HIV infects people of all races and ethnicities, the Florida Department of Health will offer free HIV testing for anyone from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8, at: 1100 Olympia St. (Clewiston); 1140 Pratt Blvd. (LaBelle); and 1021 Health Park Dr. (Moore Haven). For more information contact Antonia at 863-674-4041 X 124.
BINGO for the shelter
Sit. Stay. Play Bingo!!! Please join us Thursday, June 16 for a fun filled evening of Bingo... be a winner and support your local no-kill shelter!
We will start at 6 p.m. and play until the last number is called. We will be at the American Legion Post 130 at 699 W. Hickpochee Avenue.
Admission is $25 and includes: 17 bingo cards, 1 card for each of the 2 jackpot rounds, and a dobber. Additional bingo cards will be $1. We will have light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. We will also be doing a 50/50 raffle during the halftime break.
Come play for the animals and for your chance to win one of the many fabulous prizes! All proceeds benefit the homeless pets at Caloosa Humane Society!
Save the date
Together we can end domestic violence. Join Abuse Counseling & Treatment in support of domestic and sexual violence services in Hendry and Glades counties at a luncheon on Friday, July 22 at the Port LaBelle Inn from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. $35 per person which includes a light lunch with iced tea and a raffle ticket entry for door prize.
All prceeds will remain in Hendry and Glades counties. Sponsors, volunteers, and partners are needed. Call (239) 939-2553 to participate or for more info.
LHS offers Algebra Boot Camp
LaBelle High School will also offer Algebra I Boot Camp July 6-22, for students still needing to pass the End-of-Course state assessment. Please contact the school at 863-674-4120 if you have any questions.
EOC offers free class
“Community Emergency Response Team” CERT-317, is a course that serves as an introduction to CERT for those wanting to complete training or as a refresher for current team members. CERT program educates citizens about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations.
The class will be taught at the Hendry County EOC, 4425 West SR 80, LaBelle, FL 33975, from June 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28 and July 9 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The final exercise will be held on Saturday, July 9th. For more information call Amy Howard (863) 674-5402 or email her at Ahoward@hendryfla.net. Kindly register no later than June 1st as space is limited.
Career Online High School
If you have dreamed of completing your high school course work and earning an actual diploma, you still have time to register in the program offered through Barron Library. All applications must be submitted by Wednesday, June 15, at 6 p.m., to be eligible to participate in the online program at this time.
After you begin the course work, it could take up to eighteen months to complete all the credits needed to earn your diploma. However, you may work at your own pace, allowing you to finish the program in a shorter amount of time.
The Career Online High School program, offered free of charge to library patrons, is brought to you by the State of Florida and is administered by Smart Horizons and Gale Cengage Learning. Contact Barron Library for Complete details, 863-675-0833.
Fossil camp 2016
Let the adventure begin! Camp 1: July 11-15; Camp II: July 18-22; with interest Camp III: July 25-29.
For more information contact Scott Perry (409) 502-9029 email: scottyperry27@gmail.com. Registration with LaBelle Heritage Museum or on line www.fossil.camp.wordpress.com.
Operation Cleansweep
Operation Cleansweep is a mobile pesticide collection program that provides a safe way to dispose of cancelled, suspended, and unusable pesticides.
Some examples of participants: Farms/Groves, Nurseries, Pest Control Services, Greenhouses, Golf Courses etc.
In an effort to use all remaining funds, Fresh From Florida is waiving the 750 lb limit for qualifying material and are also allowing other entities such as government, schools, institutions, etc. to participate for free up to the time funds are depleted for this program year.
For more information call 877-851-5285 or email cleansweep@freshfromflorida.com.
American Legion events
Happy Hour - Monday-Friday - 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
June 3 - Friday, Fish Fry, 5-7 p.m. $8 a plate. Dessert available, Followed by Karaoke, Open to the public. (Fish Fries only on the first Friday of the month - April-September)
June 4 - Saturday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Hamburgers cooked your way. Hamburger $3.00 - Fries $1.00 (1st & 3rd Saturdays)
June 14 – Flag Day….The Flag ‘Retirement Ceremony’ will begin at 6 p.m. behind the American Legion Post.
Bring old, worn, tattered flags to the post anytime to be included in the ceremony. The week of June 14 is designated as “National Flag Week.” U.S. citizens are asked to fly the American flag for the duration of the week, June 12th-18th.
American Legion Post 130 is located on SR80 West, across from the shell station. For further information call 863-675-8300. Dining room is smoke free.
VFW POST 10100 events
JUNE 11th, Sat. Jam session and pot luck dinner 6-9 p.m. Open to the public
JUNE 17, Fri. Shelley’s fried fish dinner with all the fixin’s for $6 includes dessert. Serving begins at 5 p.m.
1st Wednesday of every month House Committee Meeting at 7 p.m.
2nd Wednesday of every month The Auxiliary Meeting at 7 p.m.
3rd Tuesday of every month Men’s Auxiliary Meeting at 7 p.m.
3rd Wednesday of every month AmVets Meeting 6:30 p.m.
3rd Wednesday of every month Veterans Meeting 7 p.m.
Every Sat. Grilled Hamburgers cooked to perfection, serving begins at 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
BINGO every Sunday at 2 p.m.
TURKEY SHOOT 2nd and 4th Sun. of every month at 1 p.m.
Hall rental available to the public. We are a smoke free dining room, located on Hwy. 29 next to the Rodeo Grounds. For further information call 863-675-8008
DAV events
Flea market: Come out every Saturday to the Disabled American Veterans flea market, off Martin Luther King Blvd. Lots of deals - lots of items - lots of fun! Call 863-612-0300.